The first entry in the Pollen series Manufactured Organic was a mixed media sculpture which now exists only as an image following the Pyre process.

Created from synthetic and manufactured materials it represented a hand-made. Specifically an attempt at replicating a natural form in an artificial setting. Composed of wax, steel, wood, grout and glass. The piece was a reaction to corporate and symbolic gestures of nature where businesses which have a heavy impact on the environment fabricate works of “art” to appear to have have more environmental sensibilities.

It also looked at how we as a society have adapted our lives to have token pieces of naturalism within the more industrialised complex.

Nothing remaining within the sculpture is of the “nature” we need to survive as the only pieces we have left are fictional “protected” and sponsored pieces. The fabricated, manufactured wax organics within it who’s cores were filled with nothing which sustains life only oil. and yet in a dome on a mantel gains notoriety for people to look at. 

This sculpture it no longer available to display since its transition however “Heritage” the resulting sculpture is and should be displayed along side the still of what it once was.